The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits in such a way that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 grids that make up the larger 9×9 grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
Point the cursor over the column you wish to. drop your piece in. click to drop your piece When you can connect four pieces vertically, horizontally or diagonally you win.
using stm32f4 arm microcontroller.
The password can be received in two ways.
From the phone with Bluetooth Module or keypad
The password entered is displayed in the LCD.
If the password is correct, the door opens and closes.
If the laser detect a movement then the door opens again with help of the LDR sensor.
By me and Alaa almarwi
Also known as X-O
A game in which two players tries to get a row of four Xs or four Os sequentially before the other does.
simplify managers works in companys by managing staff daily and hourly vacations that vary depending on hire date. also given Time Offs can be updated and deleted. for detailed information please read report that will be downloaded with the project sorce